[in English]
Last Thursday, Sony Ericson and Docomo held the press conference for Xperia X10 in Japan. It consists of two parts. one is for mass media, the other is for Developers and Blogers. I joined it from second part. Some application Vendors exhibitted Android Application which will be released at the same time of Xperia X10 release.
Some of them are Location Based Service Applications and Cloud Applications, and some of them are movie and music applications for only high spec mobile phone like Xperia X10. I'll be watching some of them, and I'll report it later.
[In Japanese]
私は、2部より参加したのですが、Xperiaの発売にあわせてリリースされるAndroid Applicationの展示がありました。位置情報やクラウド系のアプリのほか、Xperiaの高性能を活かした音楽と映像のアプリなどがありました。いくつかのアプリに注目して、正式リリース後にまたレポートしたいと思います。
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