I introduced 'Hudson' which belongs to the genre of CI tool.
I found it that 'Hudson' is an extraordinary CI tool. There's three reasons.
1. EASY TO INTRODUCE. It's quite simple. The only thing I had to do is to deploy jar file on the servlet container. That's it.
In case of no servlet container, you need to install java and run hudson.jar( java -jar hudson.jar). That's all.
2. EASY TO USE. very simple to understand how to use.
3. HIGH FUNCTIONALITY. Hudson has many customizable functionality. You can set every configuration from the browser.

This time I introduced Hudson to deploy HTML files to my web server. Of course hudson can adapt to any kind of application; Web application, client-server-type application as well as static HTML.
I manage HTML files by SVN server and let hudson know where the SVN server is. So when I want to renew my web site, first commit HTML files to SVN server and second execute build on hudson from the browser. That's all. Don't you think it's easy, do you?
Why don't you think of introducing CI tool? It's gonna be very helpful.
[In Japanese]
1.導入が簡単。導入の際に行う事は、jarファイルをサーブレットコンテナ上に配置するだけです。サーブレットコンテナがない環境でも、Javaをインストールしてhudsonを単体で起動するだけです。(java -jar hudson.jar)。
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